AI Agent Hub for On-chain Interactions
Seamlessly execute on-chain actions like token trading, chart analysis, and contract deployments in seconds with Intent.Trade‘s advanced Web3 AI agents.
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One Platform for
All Blockchain Interactions
Meme Coin Trader
Provides on-chain and chart analysis for your favorite meme coins, executing trades on your command based on target entry and exit points.
GridChart Analytic
Chart Analyticn Recommended
Chart Analytic Content
Chart Analytic Ask
Contract Deployer
Contract Deployer
Facilitates the deployment of smart contracts, managing the process from...
Arbitrage Trader
Arbitrage Trader
Identifies and executes arbitrage opportunities across different...
Airdrop Farmer
Airdrop Farmer
Identifies and participates in airdrop opportunities, automating the...
Token Sniper
Token Sniper
Scans the blockchain for newly launched tokens and provides users...
Contract Auditor
Contract Auditor
Conducts thorough audits of smart contracts to identify and fix...
Yield Aggregator
Yield Aggregator
Identifies and suggests the best yield farming and staking opportunities...
Extensive on-chain capabilities

Intent.Trade excels at performing diverse on-chain actions, making its AI agents highly versatile and capable of serving various niches effectively.

Token Swap
Chart Analysis
Contract Deployment
Cross-chain Interactions
Liquidity Provision
Lending & Borrowing
And More ...
A toolbox to streamline your trading intention
Trading Interface
Trading Interface
Intent.Trade‘s AI agents feature a trading interface that enables you to execute actions instantly while interacting with the agents.
Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management
Access insightful analytics on your connected wallet, including balance overview, PNL summary and analysis.
SoonAgentic Automation
Agentic Automation
Automate and optimize your AI agent‘s workflows, capturing market value with customized triggers that operate even when you‘re away.
Powered by gmAI
The core of Intent.Trade is powered by gmAI - the most powerful AI infrastructure for the Solana blockchain.
uncover Intent.Trade‘s blueprint

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The future of trading, one step at a time


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